IKEA's guide to building furniture forts with your children - Le Cicogne

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IKEA’s guide to building furniture forts with your children

Building furniture forts is something we all participated in as children, whether you want to admit it or not! The ingenuity of building them is as much fun as creating stories to spend as much time in them as possible with the whole family. During quarantine, this can distract the child and defeat boredom.

We are happy to share with you the new IKEA campaign that has released six different ways to “build” different structures, specifically indicating the different materials needed. Although they use specific IKEA products in the campaign, you can build them without theirs, but with products you most likely already have. The various creations vary from castles, houses, tents and can arouse your child’s imagination. Once completed you can engage everyone with fun games such as role-playing games, watching a movie with snacks or just snuggle up and talk. This is a great and fun way to stay at home, both for children and adults.

Find out more about the advantages of building a fort with your children here!

Source: https://www.designboom.com/design/ikea-furniture-forts-05-14-2020/


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